01-12-2024 AD. At 03:00 in the afternoon, a meeting was held in the Superintendent of Police's power room with various religious gurus of Barguna district and all police stations and those opposing the various suicide leaders and the discrimination war student movement. Mr. Md. Ibrahim Khil, Superintendent of Police, Barguna, presided over the meeting. At that time, Additional Superintendent of Police (First and Finance) Mr. Mohammad Mozammel Hossain, Superintendent of Police (Crime and Ops) Mr. Md. Zahurul Islam Howlader, AAP Superintendent of Police (Sadar District) Mr. Md. Abdul Halim and other senior officers of Barguna Police were present. Superintendent of Police Mahaday assured of providing strict security to ensure smooth social and religious harmony in the district. He gave instructions to the district administration to play a key role in this regard.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS