On October 20, 2024 at 09.00 a.m. Barguna District Police Weekly Master Parade held at Barguna Police Lines Ground, Superintendent of Police Mr. Md. Ibrahim Khalil gave a speech to the force-officers. Mr. Md. Haroon Or Rashid, RI, Barguna officiated as the parade captain. After the parade, the Superintendent of Police visited the Armoury, Vehicle Wing, Ration Store and Police Hospital. Then he thanked everyone and announced the end of the parade.
At 11.00 a.m. the monthly welfare meeting was held in the drill shed of Police Lines under the chairmanship of Superintendent of Police Mr. Mr. Md. Ibrahim Khalil. In the welfare meeting, Additional Superintendent of Police (Administration and Finance) Mr. Mohammad Mozammel Hossain, Additional Superintendent of Police (Crime and Ops) Mr. Md. Zahurul Islam Howladar and all the circles, police stations, courts, outposts, investigation centers, traffic and police lines and in-charges of the district. Members participate. Many of the members present in the meeting raised their problems and the Superintendent of Police immediately provided the solution. Then the Superintendent of Police in his closing speech pointed out various valuable guidelines for the proper implementation of the do's and don'ts of the police.
After that, the monthly crime meeting was held in the police office conference room from 01.00 pm under the chairmanship of Mr. Superintendent of Police. All circles, police stations, courts, outposts and in-charges from the investigation center were present in the crime meeting in the month of September/2024. A case-by-case analysis of the cases filed in the month of September/2024 was conducted in the said crime meeting. The Superintendent of Police gave detailed instructions for improving the quality of investigation of cases, recovery of arrest warrant Tamil, drugs and illegal weapons and other illegal items and community policing and beat policing meeting. Besides, in the past month, police superintendent gave monetary awards to the officers in various categories considering the illegal drug recovery, clueless and important case detection, arrest of warrant accused and overall performance.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS